Meet Sandy Warren, a Confident Woman campaign participant
“The CONFIDENT WOMAN campaign” is a photography project aimed to boost confidence through self-acceptance and self-love, to create a platform to inspire and support women in achieving the life they want.
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“We learn and grow when we are in the trenches and when we have to make the tough decisions. And that is where confidence grows and that's where our independence and our freedom shows up.” - meet Sandy Warren, a Confident Woman Campaign participant.
Sandy is a mindset coach for women in the Mid-Season of Life. In her interview Sandy shares her story how she built her career in Mary Kay working on 100% commission being a single mom of two little kids; how her life journey took her to become a yoga instructor and a life coach for women.
Today Sandy is remarried, grandmother of four, and learning to play more.
Sandy possesses such profound wisdom that you will want to meet her in person!
Chek out her website:
Can you please introduce yourself?
I am Sandy Warren. Otherwise known as Coach Sandy to my clients. My current life journey has led me to be a coach specifically for women to empower them, build their confidence and help them to have a more joy filled life. So that is my focus and my specialty.
What was your journey towards your current career?
Well, I think sometimes life takes you down a path. And the lessons that I have been through have led me to this point. It began a number of years ago when I went into Mary Kay Cosmetics because I wanted to be at home mom with my first child.
And that led me to grow in that business to a Mary Kay sales director driving a pink Cadillac and working on 100% commission. And that led me into realizing that my forte was training. And in that training I helped women to build that confidence as they built their businesses. So we worked together to learn how to be more productive and help other women.
So it was just kind of a chain reaction and that led me to do that for many years, over 20 years. And then I took a little detour and I went into real estate and trained agents and led an office, built confidence again. Most of my agents were women. And then I became a yoga instructor. So again, I am training people on how to have that mind body connection. That also builds empowerment and confidence. And as I was doing that, coaching really just was a natural thing for me to follow into. So I began with body centric coaching, which helps people to understand what is going on in their body. And that was a natural connection to the yoga instruction. And then it led me into life coaching because the more I saw with my yoga students, the more I recognized that there was a need there.
Women were overwhelmed. They were losing confidence. And it was just kind of heartbreaking for me. So that's why I wound up it, because I felt that I could make a difference, have an impact, and help women to regain themselves. I call it redefining the goddess that is women. We all have a goddess and she gets a little dusty and put on the back shelf as we are caretakers and we take care of so much and so many that I help her to refine that goddess, bring her out, dust off and eventually polish her up.
What is a confident woman for you?
It's going to be different for everyone, of course, but I think that when we have belief in ourselves, when we have a more positive mindset and by that I mean we are not always beating ourselves up with our words. So we are using our words and our vocabulary and the pictures in our mind to help us to recognize the good and great qualities that we have. And as we let them bloom, we become more. And as we become more, we become more confident. That's our confidence.
What experience in life helped you to discover your inner confidence?
After my divorce, my kids were only four and eight I wound up in court several times. And at one point, after several visits, the judge looked at me and he said, “Your husband is $20,000 in arrearage. Would you like to put him in jail?” And my answer was yes, but my values would not allow me to do that. And I didn't want to have to bring that home and have my children try and understand that. So at that moment in time, I knew that I had the strength to stand for myself, be independent and create my own freedom.
So that was probably the most transitional point. Raising two kids for, I'll say, 15 years, because by the time they get to 18, they're supposed to be more on their own. But there was still years in college and training. We built quite a team, the three of us. But the issues that came up were to me, just normal, everyday, make a decision, solve the problem kind of issues.
So there was not what I would say is a major transitional point. After that first one, there were many little ones and I do truly believe that we do not learn and grow when we are in the high points of our life. We learn and grow when we're in the trenches and when we have to make the tough decisions. And that is where confidence grows and that's where our independence and our freedom shows up.
What advice would you give to other women?
I believe that we women are tough on ourselves. And so one of my favorite quotes is “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly”. And we need to take ourselves more lightly. Sometimes we need to play a little bit more, laugh a little bit more.
And that's why it's wonderful to be a grandparent, because I probably didn't play as much and laughed as much when I was a single parent. But now I can see that, and I think that's what life does for us. It brings us the wisdom to be able to look back. And then when we hit the tough parts of whether it is, you know, an empty nest or whether it is divorce or becoming a widow, whatever those things may be, we can look back and say “I'm strong enough to get through this. I can do this". And that's what I want to bring my women through.
Could you please share your feedback on your photo session?
I think that your compassion and your focus on women is very powerful. And by sitting in and having somebody fluff you and pamper you and just help you to find your best, your best smile or your best ethereal look or whatever that might be, you are very good at drawing us into that and is comfortable so you don't feel at odds with yourself. You help us to feel comfortable in our body so that our smile or a laugh or whatever transpires happens and you catch it. You catch it on film, you catch maybe our passion or a light or that energy that is each of us. And so I think it is a beautiful thing that you do.
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