Meet Jia Lin-Bothe, a Confident Woman Campaign participant
“The CONFIDENT WOMAN campaign” is a photography project aimed to boost confidence through self-acceptance and self-love, to create a platform to inspire and support women in achieving the life they want. It is limited to 25 participants. Reserve your spot now:
“I am on a specific journey to become better. And that is life.”
Today I would like to introduce another Confident Woman campaign participant - Jia Lin-Bothe.
Jia celebrated her 29th birthday with this photo shoot. Jia is sharing about the transformational phase in her life that she is going through right now when she is trying to better understand herself and what comes next.
Read the interview below where Jia speaks about how she approaches uncertainty of what direction to take in her life.
Could you please introduce yourself?
My name is Jia Lin-Bothe. I recently turned 29 and one of my birthday presents for myself was to do the Beautiful Women Campaign.
What is a confident woman for you?
I think I might have misspoken earlier when I said “Beautiful woman campaign”, but I meant the Confident woman campaign. And to me, confident woman is very beautiful. That beautiful energy that she has from within; someone who is forward thinking; someone who thinks about the things that will happen in the future in a very positive light. And it's because they believe in themselves, they believe in the people around them, and it's that confidence that will get them to the next level.
Could you share an experience in life that took your level of confidence to the next level?
I've been experiencing a lot of imposter syndrome, not believing in myself. But the people around me are always saying “You're doing so great. You are exactly where you need to be”. Or “you are so much better than so and so”. And I don't like comparing myself to others. I like to compare myself to just myself. I realized that it helped with my confidence because it is about what I was a year ago versus where I am today and how much better I am doing.
I'm on a specific journey to become better. And that is life.
Where do you see yourself in future?
I don't know. I'm telling myself to not be scared because sometimes you really want to know exactly what it is. But I'm okay with not knowing where that is or what that looks like. And part of that, it's telling myself, "hey, whatever it is, it will be okay”.
What is your vision for the future?
I recently turned 29 and I'm just trying to get into that journey of being your late twenties - early thirties of understanding who you are, trying to figure out your own friends circle, starting my own group of people, my comrades that I can always depend on and that they will depend on me. And that's just like a short term vision I have for myself and people around me.
What is your energy source?
I like spending time by myself. I like being alone and I think a lot of people, a lot of younger women tend to not know that it's okay to be alone. It's okay to like spending time by yourself. Every three months I go camping on my own and I call it my solo camping trip to reset for myself.
And at that camping trip, I plan for the next one. So these are always ongoing and I really take time to reflect on what is going on. There are no distractions because you're out by yourself. I really enjoy that time by myself, that quietness.
What is a major life learning for you that you would like to share with others?
You are exactly where you need to be and you may not know what's next, but be okay with that and keep going. You know, there will be some points in life where to you, it may seem like stops, but those are times for you to reset and you'll be okay.
What was the photoshoot experience with me for you like?
I have done other photo shoots in the past but none of them this fun! Now I know the angles, the poses. After seeing the photos earlier I'm actually pretty happy about myself.
So I think it's like constantly reminding myself that I'm good, I'm happy where I am, and that helps me get that confidence in myself too. And I really enjoy the photo shoot. Like even just putting on the makeup, selecting the music - everything was just so fun and I never thought a photo shoot could be that fun. Thank you so much.
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